Friday, September 23, 2016

Self-Compassion. Look up, move forward

In the back of Look up, move forward is a Reader's Discussion Guide. It was one of the favorite parts of writing this book and I am SO excited to hear that it is being used for book clubs!
Join me in a virtual book club - todays's topic: Self-Compassion. Kristin Neff describes it here:
From Look up, move forward I share: 

"In the Prologue I talk about asking my client to write a self-compassionate letter to herself. The principles of self-compassion include loving and accepting ourselves ... Think about how much easier we are able to move forward when we are kind and compassionate to ourselves.
From one of my favorite books: Christopher Germer, The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion:
"Some people worry that self-compassion will close them off from other people by making them selfish and self-centered. The reverse is actually the case: the more openhearted we are with ourselves, the closer we feel toward the rest of life. Self-compassion is the foundation for kindness toward others. When we're more accepting of our own idiosyncrasies, we become more accepting of others ... Full acceptance of ourselves, moment to moment, makes it easier to adapt and change in the direction we'd like to do."
What's a compassionate phrase you might use when you find yourself in difficulty?
Try writing a compassionate letter to yourself.
Share your experience.

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